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About Energy X
The Energy X Conference & Exhibition 2023 will be a two-day event comprising plenary and parallel breakaway sessions comprising a mixed panel discussion, oral presentations, and workshops. It will also include an Exhibition component. There will be a selection of invited keynote speakers, experts from business, government, academia, and speakers who have submitted renewable energy and/or green economy-specific abstracts/papers.
The Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs Forum (South Africa) widely referred to as REEF(SA) is a national empowerment initiative for clean energy entrepreneurs in the Renewables Energy space and the broader Green Economy sector in the Republic of South Africa
About REEF (SA)
Our medium-term plan is a successful transition to clean, affordable renewable energy that benefits previously underserved communities.
We have partnered with reputable private, corporate and public sector stakeholders in the Renewable Energy space nationally to deliver programs and projects that target inclusive economic growth, skills development and job creation
For the Northern Cape province to realize its vision of a ‘Modern Growing and Successful Province’ it must commit to a clear roadmap and pathway towards making Northern Cape the first climate-neutral province in the Republic of South Africa
• Government's decision to allow municipalities to purchase electricity directly from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) is one of the most positive developments to come out of 2020. It is not only going to help create a more stable and sustainable power supply in the country but is already driving new skills, jobs and economic opportunities across the country
• Support skills development in the Renewable Energy space for government departments, municipalities and unemployed youth and women
• Pilot a program and/or engage industry stakeholders in taking a lead with regard to deploying renewable energy solutions for government buildings, schools, clinics, etc.
• Set up a provincial Renewable Energy directorate or unit so that the province speaks one voice on matters of Renewable Energy and Climate Change
•Facilitate SALGA support for municipalities to commit to self-generation and going off the grid
• Support for a feasibility study that will look into the establishment of the 'Northern Cape Power Generation Company' as a self generator of energy to government and private clients. There is also massive opportunity for the province to export clean energy to neighboring countries i.e. Namibia, Botswana, etc
Our Sponsors

Powered By REEF (SA)